Urocyon / Mo'ynoq / Plaguefever / Nganga

Sat, Apr 26
Static Age Records
$10.00 / $12.00
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8:00 PM


8:30 PM

Urocyon / Mo'ynoq (split LP Release Show!!)

w/ Plaguefever (RVA) and Nganga (London, UK)


Asheville, NC
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Urocyon was born from the ashes of the long-running Appalachian black metal band Shadow of the Destroyer. More melodic in sound, but with the same desperate rage over the destruction of our planet at ...read more


Raleigh, NC
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American Black Metal that brandishes feral riffs and a uniquely humid atmosphere. Influenced by the likes of Immortal, Ash Borer, and Wolves in the Throne Room, Mo'ynoq has lured countless audiences a...read more


Richmond, VA
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black thrash metal


London, UK
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A confusing cross-genre mixture of grind and death metal.

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