Tear Dungeon / Night Beers / Tri Agan

8:00 PM
8:30 PM
“Think the Melvins, except soaked in piss and rolled in broken glass.” -The Austin Chronicle
Have you ever just wanted to headbang for years? PUT THIS DAMN THING ON REPEAT because TEAR DUNGEON has arrived and ain't a damn person that's ready.
Made up of bozos from the fine pedigree of Austin, Texas' own A Giant Dog and Sweet Spirit - Tear Dungeon is here to tear a hole in the sun and probably your ass.
Tear Dungeon

Have you ever just wanted to headbang for years? PUT THIS DAMN THING ON REPEAT because Tear Dungeon has arrived and ain't a damn person that's ready. Made up of bozos from the fine pedigree of Austin...read more
Night Beers

Dragged from the depths of the deepest darkest dive bar. Night Beers are good for everyone! Jamie W: Bass/Vox Tony P: Drums Danny B: Guitar